Tuesday 19 October 2010

3d Structure to walk through

Here are some shoddy photos of my 'structure to walk through that’s not a building'. Unfortunately I don't have the images where I showed scale and tidied it up but here we go.

This structure was made from a simple modular design of a 9x9cm square of paper. 4 squares of paper folded in a particular way and with a triangular incision.
I envisioned this as an installation that would allow people to enter an interior space whilst still aware of exterior surroundings; this is due to the ceiling openings.
The building mirrors itself in numerous ways, but with emphatic emphasis on the structural repetition and the visual echo.
As one enters the installation the space around you narrows and you are drawn to the focal point at the centre of building where you can see a sliver of the distant outside world but not the continuing structure. As you reach the middle of the building the space visually flips as the same space that was previously narrowing now opens up and reveals a world of space on light and the exterior world.

The installations appearance would also change during times of the day as the positioning of the sun would alter the appearance and experience of the space.

What I found most satisfying about this project was the hands on approach which suits me, whilst also envisioning a much bigger picture for your work. Had I have had more time on the rotation I would have experimented with more materials and been able to consider how the structure would join together in reality.

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